Sanjiv Shah
Sanjiv Shah is a M.Sc (Econ) from TheLondon School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and FRM from GARP. Hehas a total of 33 years of experience. Sanjiv worked at Merrill Lynch for over14 years after graduation. He was responsible and head of FII sales and Debtdivision, and set up the derivatives business. Afterthat, he co-founded Benchmark Asset Management in 2001, a company thatpioneered passive and quantitative investing in India. Benchmark introducedseveral unique and noteworthy low-cost investment products - Nifty BeES(India’s first ETF), Liquid BeES (world’s first money market ETF), Gold BeES(India’s first commodity ETF). Benchmark AMC was eventually acquired by GoldmanSachs in 2011.
At Goldman Sachs, he helped pitched theidea of “disinvestment through ETF” to the Government of India with a maidenoffering of CPSE ETF in 2014. On the back of this success, ETFs have emerged asa vital instrument in the ongoing disinvestment program undertaken by thegovernment. He has served as member on several industry wide committees, formedto deliberate on the better functioning of financial markets.
At present, he has set up a couple ofFintech ventures, 1 Pay, 1 Move
At Goldman Sachs, he helped pitched theidea of “disinvestment through ETF” to the Government of India with a maidenoffering of CPSE ETF in 2014. On the back of this success, ETFs have emerged asa vital instrument in the ongoing disinvestment program undertaken by thegovernment. He has served as member on several industry wide committees, formedto deliberate on the better functioning of financial markets.
At present, he has set up a couple ofFintech ventures, 1 Pay, 1 Move